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We are running our own tiles server(for show maps) & Nominatim DB server(for geocode API).

Now we want to add node/way/relation data in OSM from my own setup.

Kindly help me to do the same.

Thanks in advance!

asked 17 Mar '17, 11:15

Rajavelu_M's gravatar image

accept rate: 33%

edited 25 Mar '17, 09:36

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦


Hi, please could you clarify your question? What do you mean by "add node/way/relation data in OSM"? Do you mean to contribute to the main OSM database? Do you mean to edit the existing data in your setup with an OSM editor (e.g. iD)?

(25 Mar '17, 09:35) aseerel4c26 ♦

@aseerel4c26 Yes. I want to contribute to the main OSM DB through my own setup.

(26 Mar '17, 16:01) Rajavelu_M

Thanks. Please tell us about your difficulties. Where are you stuck?

By the way: please note that there are strict policies regarding contributions to the OSM database regarding copyright and regarding automated edits. Please ask about this if you are not aware.

(26 Mar '17, 22:07) aseerel4c26 ♦

I can be add data(node/way) in OSM directly, once signup.

I need to create a way(street) in my own tile server & push to OSM DB. For this case, how to enable add new data(way) option (like in OSM) in my own setup.

Also saw API for add data in OSM, But i think we need to give data as xml tags, right? For this too i need to get data from my own tiles setup.

(27 Mar '17, 14:31) Rajavelu_M

There is no off the shelf way to do what you want, it is "a simple matter of programming", but not totally trivial. In particular you need to consider how you synchronize IDs of new objects that you have created on your system.

You could have a look at POSM for a possible approach (IMHO unlikely to be practical in any area with existing data and concurrent editing).

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answered 27 Mar '17, 20:07

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦
accept rate: 18%

edited 28 Mar '17, 09:51

Another setup could be that your edits are done directly in the OSM DB, and your tile / rendering DB is kept up-to-date with OSM. This way you don't have to worry about changesets that can't be applied to OSM if your DB is out of sync.

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answered 27 Mar '17, 20:30

yvecai's gravatar image

accept rate: 9%

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question asked: 17 Mar '17, 11:15

question was seen: 3,438 times

last updated: 28 Mar '17, 09:51

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum