Hi everyone. It's been two weeks since I signalled the existence of a parking area (at: http://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=19/39.40062/-8.49077) and still it doesn't show up in the map. I've noticed, when I use the editor, that (unlike other parking areas, that I've created, that appear in yellow) this particular parking area, that doesn't show up in the map, appears in green. (Can it be because it has trees on top of it - in the satellite picture - and the map automatically thinks it's a "green"/forest area, instead?) I've tried adding the two tiny access paths that connect it to the road - but, still the map doesn't show the parking area, while already showing the tiny access paths. |
There is a problem with the way you drew for the parking lot - JOSM says it has "self-crossing" ways. The easy solution is to just redraw it and move on. These sorts of errors are hard to see and therefore hard to correct. Also, your "access paths" are not connected to the parking way. That would not cause the "crossing ways" error though; it's merely an observation. Cheers, Dave |
Hello, again. Thank you all, for your help. So it appears that it was some freak error - probably caused by my "perfectionism", that sometimes leads me to redraw some things(?). I don't know... Anyway, I took your advice, and just redraw the area in question - and, now it's already showing yellow in the editor. So, everything looks well now. But, concerning the connections between the access "paths" and the parking areas, how come (or, what do you mean by) they are not "connected"? Doesn't the simple fact of an "ending dot" being on top of a road line produces/makes a "connection"? (Sorry for the noob question. I usually only edit, and add, buildings and areas - and stay away from editing roads.) No, that does not connect them. You must click on the junction to create a node that is connected to the way under (or near) it. I made the same mistake myself when I drew my first way. I did not connect it to anything, it was merely "floating" near the way I wanted it connected to, just as yours are. One other observation. You have added nodes for what appear to be picnic tables but have tagged them as picnic_site. If they are simply tables, the tag leisure=picnic_table would be more appropriate. The area they are located in should be tagged as picnic_site.
(17 Mar '17, 08:40)
Hi, (just had to learn a bit about Potlatch2) apparently if you left click on a node (or way) if the node is joined to another node the red dot has a circle drawn around it, if it is not joined to another node there is no circle, just the red dot. When a way is selected joined node are circled red dot, unjoined nodes just a red dot. To join an existing node to a way highlight it and press J. After that I have to say IMHO the JOSM editor is much easier.
(17 Mar '17, 08:58)
Thank you both for your information. I've been able to create the necessary nodes, and now both parking sites are properly connected to the roads. Concerning the picnic sites, AlaskaDave, 3 of the 4 that I signalled are indeed whole picnic sites (with a place to make fire and two tables around it) - but, 1 of the 4 is just an extra picnic table. And so, I will then modify the 4th one according to your very good tip/information. Thanks!
(17 Mar '17, 09:29)
The reason is that you added the tags to a line, not to an area. You have to use the area option in iD to draw parkings. |
Hi, somehow (I don't know how) you uploaded two versions of the area in the same changeset, one version without tags one version with the tags. The area is in the database but only the untagged version is rendered (again I don't know how). Solution revert the changeset 46535904 (that should remove both versions) then redraw the area tag and upload. As said the two service roads are not connected to the parking area nor to the road EN 365. Also for your other closeby parking area the service road is not connected to the parking area. |