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I'm new here. I created a basic map, Saved it, but have no idea how to go back to the map I created.

asked 14 Mar '17, 22:32

HighSouthCreative's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Is this perhaps related to uMap?

(14 Mar '17, 22:48) SomeoneElse ♦

NO, I just made a map in, saved/named it, and am trying to find that map again. And wondering how to expoert the map to work on it in Illustrator.

(14 Mar '17, 23:05) HighSouthCre...

So you used "export" to save a map on your computer and now you don't know how to find where you saved it?

(14 Mar '17, 23:28) Hjart

if it is the case Hjart describes, each browser has a "Download manager" where you can find previous downloads. In case you moved the file afterwards, it won't be able to locate it and you will have to redownload it.

(15 Mar '17, 04:22) escada

Or are you talking about this changeset: which you created by clicking "edit" and then "save" on ?

(15 Mar '17, 11:09) Vincent de P... ♦

In the case described by Vincent de Philly, you just added a single node with a name tag, but you did not describe what the item is. Nodes with just a name never show up on the map seen on You need to indicate the category, e.g. a shop, a bus station, etc.

(16 Mar '17, 05:00) escada
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question asked: 14 Mar '17, 22:32

question was seen: 1,635 times

last updated: 16 Mar '17, 05:00

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum