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Hi all,

for a few days now I am not able to select neither nodes nor lines with the iD editor. It is highlighted when I mouse over, but the click of the left mouse button does nothing. Is it a bug or a keyboard shortcut, that I activated by accident? Thanks for your help.


asked 14 Mar '17, 18:29

rene78's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 17 Mar '17, 19:08

Hmm, works for me (iD 2.1.3 in desktop Firefox 52.0). Please could you mention your versions?

(14 Mar '17, 19:15) aseerel4c26 ♦

Sure. iD 2.1.3 with Chrome, Version 56.0.2924.87 on Win10

(14 Mar '17, 19:41) rene78

I have been having the same issue happen in Chrome - and it reappears not long after updating my Chrome version.
I've noticed that it seems to trigger when I have unsaved changes that are slowing down the editor - and I'm trying to select things (a tag, for instance) before the browser is making it available. A browser close (COMPLETE close - kill any chrome instances in Task Manager as well) will fix the issue... But I've discovered that a SHIFT-click to select will work in a pinch if you're trying to finish something before you save.
I'll also post this on the original question from a year ago, since I feel its relevance overshadows commenting on an old discussion.

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answered 28 Mar '17, 19:58

GregRetro's gravatar image

accept rate: 50%

Chrome has to be updated (Help --> About Chrome). Afterwards everything works fine again. Question was already asked. Thanks to Amaryllis for the answer.

permanent link

answered 16 Mar '17, 18:44

rene78's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 16 Mar '17, 18:45


This only worked temporarily. Even with an updated Chrome browser I cannot select anything again.

(17 Mar '17, 19:06) rene78

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question asked: 14 Mar '17, 18:29

question was seen: 2,849 times

last updated: 28 Mar '17, 19:58

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum