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I want to know when the geometry of a Way was changed or deleted. To that end I downloaded the history of a specific Way via the API and within each version is the changeset number. However looking through the QA tools in the OSM wiki there are a number of tools to visualize changes but none appear to provide info in a downloadable fashion. Thanks for any help.

The use case is not that I want to be notified when a geometry has changed, but rather by having the ability to inspect a changeset and determine if geometry has been changed. My use case is you fetch the history of a Way, and in the fetched history is the changeset number associated with the history or version if you will. Then I want to fetch the changeset to determine what is the change to the Way object. I want to know has the geometry of the Way been moved or deleted? This information is in the changeset but I was hoping to find an OSM tool that interprets the contents of the changeset spitting out the exact change to the Way in question.

asked 13 Mar '17, 02:02

Helpwanted's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 23 Mar '17, 21:46

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦
32.6k18248554 was the right start, and I assume that nearly all our tools are listed there.

Maybe you could built something with Overpass turbo since you want something "downloadable". Do you want raw data? Or do you want to download a visualization? End user or programmer? A visualization (not downloadable) based on geographical location (not on object id) would be . I guess others will have some more ideas.

Note that a changeset appears in a way's history only if the way object (tags or node memberships) has been changed. A way's geometry can be changed by just moving the existing nodes - that does not create an history entry on the way object. Example: (there have been two very recent changes to its geometry which are not listed here).

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answered 14 Mar '17, 07:09

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦
accept rate: 18%

Thank you for your advice and for digging up the last example.

(17 Mar '17, 02:54) Helpwanted

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question asked: 13 Mar '17, 02:02

question was seen: 3,039 times

last updated: 23 Mar '17, 21:46

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum