I need coordinates like latitude and logitud for personal purposes. |
For example I enter a point: Radisson Hotel La Paz Bolivia, then the map shows me where it is located but I do not have coordinates, and I need Coordinates. Thank u! they are there in the URL see escada's answer and jpeg
(08 Mar '17, 09:28)
andy mackey
43.xxx -79.xxx are the co ords. South and West are given neg (-) values. The .xxx are decimal degrees NOT minutes and seconds.
(08 Mar '17, 09:32)
andy mackey
On the main slippy map you can right-click then click 'Show address'. The coordinates for that location will come up on the left side of the map. |
The Radisson Hotel, La Paz, Bolivia is not yet in OSM, as far as I can see. So I took another Radisson hotel. Click, the share button and add a marker. When you place the marker over the hotel, you will see the coordinates in the URL
Of course, this technique works best for the occasional lookup. You need another workflow in case you have to do hunderds of addresses As an aside, the La Paz hotel seems to be this one: http://www.openstreetmap.org/way/440048789/history but is no longer a Radisson branded one.
(08 Mar '17, 10:32)
EdLoach ♦
Please explain what you need the coordinates of. Do you want to select a point on a map and then be shown the latitude and longitude of that point? Or do you want to enter an address and then receive the latitude and longitude of that address? Or...?
For example I enter a point: Radisson Hotel La Paz Bolivia, then the map shows me where it is located but I do not have coordinates, and I need Coordinates.
Thank u!
Do you need coordinates for many locations or just a few?
I need coordinates for many locations
So you want to do geocoding? https://help.openstreetmap.org/questions/12057/bulk-geo-coding-of-business-addresses