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Could let me know if there are any commercial licencing restrictions regarding your mapping please? I work for Wildgoose Education Ltd, an educational resource company in the UK.

We have been approached by a US and Australian educational distributor who has seen some of our UK resources, for something similar based on US and Australian areas. Therefore we have a requirement for mapping in those two countries. Details as follows:

Bespoke "our School" products centred on a specific school or zip code

This range of products entails a map alongside vertical aerial photograph of the same area. They are personalised with the school's name, and are laminated to increase longevity. In the UK we create this product as an A3 deskmat, and also as an A0 poster size for whole-class use, or demonstration by the teacher. The A3 deskmat would be sold in sets of either 5,10 or 15 depending on the schools requirements.

For the UK product, we use an area measuring 2 x 1.45km.
With the US and Australian product, we would send the digital image onto our distributor for them to print out and deliver to the school.

To be clear, we are not selling the map onto the schools but there is a charge for the labour / materials involved to create the hardcopy product.

I look forward to your reply.

asked 02 Jun '11, 16:51

Darren%20Bell's gravatar image

Darren Bell
accept rate: 0%

It is a free map, please read this your print of the map should show that it is the openstreetmap details are in the link and are also clickable from the map page.

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answered 02 Jun '11, 18:01

andy%20mackey's gravatar image

andy mackey
accept rate: 4%

I can see no problems with the use of OpenStreetMap data in the way which you propose. However, the CC-BY-SA license under which the data is offered might cause you two problems:

  1. Schools (and anyone) can make any number of copies of the maps. I presume that the quality and convenience of the service which you offer gives some protection from this issue.
  2. Digital Imagery providers are unlikely to make their imagery available under the same terms as OSM. The complete work of map + image encaspulated on a single sheet might well be treated as an adaptation under CC-BY-SA, in which case the whole work should be licensed under the same terms (CC-BY_SA). This is undoubtedly a grey area: commercial works (e.g., guide books) have been published using maps based on OpenStreetMap, presumably on the basis that the text and maps are a collective work.

On a personal level as an OSM contributor I would very much like to see it being used as an educational resource.

Usual caveats apply (IANAL, terminology might not be quite right, etc).

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answered 03 Jun '11, 14:38

SK53's gravatar image

SK53 ♦
accept rate: 22%


The link you give is discussing merging datasets so that they're on top of eachother in the resulting print image. e.g an non-commercial licensed terrain layer with OpenStreetMap streets layered onto (and aligned with) it. That's a grey area (although tending towards "not allowed" as Frederick is suggesting)

In this case we're saying "a map alongside vertical aerial photograph" in a print image. Darren Bell could clarify, but I imagined this meant two images are side-by-side, rather than layered on top of/aligned with eachother. Which make it OK as a collective work (or widely regarded to be)

(03 Jun '11, 16:07) Harry Wood

Feel free to find a better link: I'm sure there's somewhere where its been done to death. Finding suitable links which discuss this type of issue sensibly takes far too long.

(04 Jun '11, 11:48) SK53 ♦

Thank you all for your comments.

Harry, you are correct in that our product would have an aerial image sitting next to a map on one sheet. Both map and image would be in their original form (nothing merged).

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answered 07 Jun '11, 18:14

Darren%20Bell's gravatar image

Darren Bell
accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 02 Jun '11, 16:51

question was seen: 4,217 times

last updated: 07 Jun '11, 18:14

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum