I'm mapping some remote roadways in NW Canada, and a bridge on an FSR (Forest Service Road) is clearly gone in satellite imagery - washed out, undoubtedly. I have marked the FSR as ending on both sides of the former bridge - but it seems like there should be something in place to mark that the bridge is gone. Zooming out on the map doesn't make it obvious that the roads do not connect - on some topo maps a red X is marked through a washed out bridge, but in my searching I don't see that OSM uses that kind of mark. Is that correct? I found documents online showing that the regional FLNR was tendering offers last Summer for "bridge deck repairs" on that road, so it might be a moot point by the end of this Summer... but my question still stands regardless. Thanks... GR |
The road is impassable I assume, so i think you have mapped it correctly. You should find out when it is being repaired and maybe add note when work is due to be completed. Routing will fail at that point so your action will alert users that the bridge isn't there. If the river is fordable then maybe a ford should be mapped with some notes on depth or vehicle required. 2
No ability to ford, and I'm actually not sure that the bridge will be replaced - especially since this would be way beyond "bridge deck repair" mentioned in the tender. There's an alternate FSR that gets to the road's destination - so it's feasible that they'll never replace that bridge. I'll leave it as is for now - I won't go so far as to call the FLNR and ask them about the bridge. That's when this hobby moves into the "job" category.
(06 Mar '17, 23:45)
For anyone looking at this for an answer to a similar problem, an important addition is to set "noexit=yes" tags on the two nodes that mark where the washed-out bridge used to be.
(21 Oct '19, 23:32)
I might be tempted to use abandoned:highway and abandoned:bridge tags after reading https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:abandoned: which would give data consumers the option of rendering the bridge with a red X on it (as mentioned in the question) if they so chose. 1
similar problem https://help.openstreetmap.org/questions/42891/damaged-bridge-and-footpath-closed-until-repaired
(22 Oct '19, 21:49)
andy mackey
Similar question https://help.openstreetmap.org/questions/42891/damaged-bridge-and-footpath-closed-until-repaired