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Hi all,

I found a greatly detailed map of Myanmar (formerly known as Burma) on this website ( ) that I want to use on my Garmin eTrex 30. I can't figure out how to extract a map from that source so that it can be used in my GPS or BaseCamp. I did find some documentation, but it is to technical for me. I downloaded mkgmap, but I don't know what to do with it... should do something in the command line but I am not getting anywhere....

Can someone please assist me with this? Maybe some really basic instructions for dummies, or even make me a map I can use straight away.. I'm on a windows 10 computer btw

Help is greatly appreciated!!


asked 04 Mar '17, 16:51

Jorgen74's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 05 Mar '17, 01:35

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦

You can use mkgmap together with an .osm.pbf file downloaded e.g. from following these instructions. However, the web site allows you to create a Garmin map without having to install any software.

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answered 04 Mar '17, 18:17

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%


If you want to create your own map, this link might be helpful.

I'd expect one potential problem with Myanmar to be the characters used in names, though - you'd probably want to map "name:en" as the name field if only because it'll have characters that'll display on a Garmin.

(04 Mar '17, 18:55) SomeoneElse ♦

Thanks! I used the website, it results in a map that is directly useable on my GPS. However, it looks like it has less detail (roads, buildings) than the map on I will also look into the website, maybe that will give a more detailed map?

(04 Mar '17, 23:08) Jorgen74

You might be better off going to the following site for an installable map set that will work in both Basecamp and on your Garmin. Go to and request a custom map from tiles you can select from the world map below. Many countries have pre-defined tile selections and don't require ticking the "Manual tile selection" button but Myanmar does not have its own entry (should be in the Asia drop-down list) so you'll have select tiles manually.

Under "Choose your map type:" check "Generic Routable (new style)" then under "Perhaps you'd like to add some additional tiles?" check the box following "Enable manual tile selection:" Then go to the map below and jigger it around to select as many tiles as are needed to cover Myanmar. If you make a mistake and select too many tiles or one you don't want, merely click on it again to de-select it. To start over from scratch, click the "Reset Selection" button.

When you have all the tiles you need, got to "Request your map or download it directly:" enter your email address and click "Build my map".

Status requests and the notification of completion will appear in your email. When the map is finished, you'll be notified via email. Go to the downloads page listed on the email and select "Windows Installer", download and then run it as you would any other installable program. You can install it on your device from within Basecamp.



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answered 04 Mar '17, 23:16

AlaskaDave's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

Thanks! Tried it, but I think it doesn't have the same level of detail as the map I see on

(05 Mar '17, 09:36) Jorgen74

The detail is customisable using the Etrex 30's, menus page 32 of manual. advanced setup sets zooms, text size and detail level. which may work for you. I seem to remember Garmin Basecamp also as an adjuster for detail as well.

(05 Mar '17, 18:46) andy mackey

I would have a second look at the selection offered Looks like an awful lot of detail on offer in some of the Garmin types.

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answered 05 Mar '17, 13:00

nevw's gravatar image

accept rate: 9%

Thanks, I will have another look to compare the two!

(05 Mar '17, 13:36) Jorgen74

There are many other providers of Garmin suitable maps too

(05 Mar '17, 15:33) nevw

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question asked: 04 Mar '17, 16:51

question was seen: 4,592 times

last updated: 05 Mar '17, 18:50

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum