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Hi all,

Use case:

I use OpenTripPlanner in combination with OSM and GTFS data in order to calculate catchment areas ("How far do I get within 10 minutes by car?"). This works fine!

Now I would like to do scenarios like "How does the catchment area change if we build a new street somewhere or if we increase the tempo limit for a certain street etc.?".


Therefore, I'm looking for a way to edit my local OSM data (which is the extract of Denmark from Geofabrik) without uploading the changes to OSM. Thus, the work flow will look as simple as:

  1. Import osm.pbf of Denmark
  2. Modify OSM data
  3. Export osm.pbf of Denmark

I'm interested in suggestions how to implement this work flow by using existing open source tools, editors etc.. I work with Ubuntu 14.04.

Many thanks for your input.

asked 28 Feb '17, 11:10

PeBerlin's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 05 Mar '17, 02:39

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦

Just to add to @Hjart's answer:

  • Cut out the area of interest using either Osmosis or osmconvert
  • Open & edit it in JOSM. (In order to avoid accidental uploading the data you can add upload=false in a JOSM file in XML format).
  • Save the edited data to a file (PBF or XML). I would recommend that you mark your changes in some way, perhaps using a scenario=xxx tag.
  • You can use osmosis or osmconvert to change your edited file into an OSM change format (.osc) if you can compare it with the original file. OSC is probably the best format for storing any given scenario as it will only contain the actual modifications.

To apply your scenario merge either the OSC file or the JOSM file with all of Denmark. Push this through your OTP model.

You may also remove data which is not needed, such as building outlines etc, from the Denmark file before proceeding. Use osmfilter for this.

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answered 01 Mar '17, 10:32

SK53's gravatar image

SK53 ♦
accept rate: 22%

Great, many thanks! That sounds like a reasonable work flow. I will go through these steps and see if I can manage it.

(01 Mar '17, 11:06) PeBerlin

JOSM with the PBF plugin can do what you want. All of Denmark is a considerable amount of data though, so you'll probably want to split up the pbf

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answered 28 Feb '17, 12:18

Hjart's gravatar image

accept rate: 18%

Many thanks for your answer! I will give JOSM a try. Do you have any specific advices which tools to use to first split and then merge the .osm files?

(28 Feb '17, 15:36) PeBerlin

Either osmosis or osmconvert. I'd try with latter & stick with it if it works.

(28 Feb '17, 21:43) SK53 ♦

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question asked: 28 Feb '17, 11:10

question was seen: 11,127 times

last updated: 05 Mar '17, 02:39

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum