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I've recently added the boundary of the Link:Quantock Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty in England - the equivalent of a National Park.

Other national parks are shown shaded green on the map, with the title of the park prominently shown. For example the Link:Malvern Hills and Link:Exmoor. This doesn't happen for the Quantock Hills, even though it is similarly tagged as a national park boundary and as an area. How can this be fixed?

asked 01 Jun '11, 21:13

M%20Briggs's gravatar image

M Briggs
accept rate: 0%


This is not a map debugging service, so your question which is very specific to one object and a particular point in time is unlikely to be of much use for others. Broadly speaking this type of query ("I have added a new area/polygon, why hasn't it been rendered?") has been answered several times before. Unfortunately, because the questions were similarly specific it's not easy to quickly find them

(01 Jun '11, 21:41) SK53 ♦

Way 113802638 doesn't look like an area to me. An area is a closed way, but that way is an open one (although it has an area tag).

Area (closed way)

permanent link

answered 01 Jun '11, 21:33

gnurk's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

Thanks for the replies; I suspected that might be the case, however this then raises the question of where to draw it.

According to the legal order designating the area, the boundary is drawn across the beach to the line of Mean Low Water (the legal 'Extent of the Realm', according to the Territorial Waters Jurisdiction Act 1878 and Territorial Waters Order in Council 1964, as used by Ordnance Survey) and is unclosed.

Although it is unclosed, I assume that legally the boundary would follow the line of Mean Low Water between the 2 end points. However I see that OpenStreetMap's policy is to map the coast further "inland" (between a quarter and half a mile inland in this area), at the Mean High Water Spring level. According to the satellite overlay the coast is drawn at the boundary of the land and beach, which I guess must be slightly further inland again.

Since the current situation is unsatisfactory, the simple but least accurate solution would be to close the boundary along the coast as currently drawn. More accurate would be to use the satellite image and draw it along the estimated line of Mean Low Water. Is there any policy on this?

(09 Jun '11, 11:47) M Briggs

Policy on this? We could probably do with deciding something. I know the default rendering of San Francisco looks like it's suffered an attack of the green slime monster at the moment, because they've drawn the park boundaries out into the sea a bit.

(09 Jun '11, 13:07) Harry Wood

In potlach2 I would take the polygon to the coast click some of the coastline nodes, then press "f" to follow along the coast until you meet the polygon again then close it.

(09 Jun '11, 15:31) andy mackey
(09 Jun '11, 20:10) andy mackey

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question asked: 01 Jun '11, 21:13

question was seen: 4,540 times

last updated: 09 Jun '11, 20:10

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum