I am using overpass api to get the OpenStreetMap data. I have a following query:
Try it out here: http://overpass-turbo.eu/s/mOu The problem is that it always returns LineString instead of Polygons. I would like to convert LineString to Polygon in order to use this data for intersection analysis of different Polygons. Is there a way to convert LineString to Polygon(e.g. with geoJSON library ), or should I change my query for this? Thanks you in advance
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OSM only knows nodes, ways and relations. Ways can be closed in which case they form an area. So when you export a landuse via OverPass, you get a closed way. Isn't a polygon just another word for closed way ? Thanks a lot for you answer. Indeed, it is a polygon,when it is a closed way and when the line does not intersect itself. Otherwise it is a more then one polygon. I would like to compute the area of these polygons. The problem is that I am not sure that it is possible, unless it is a polygon. I am using python shapely or gdal for this. So I started to think about conversion of the strngline to polygon.
(19 Feb '17, 20:31)
Since OSM does not know polygons, in which programming language are you working ? To find out whether an OSM way is a closed way, you could test whether the first and last point are the same, not ? So it is up to your processing software to determine whether a way is closed and if it is closed, calculate the area.
(20 Feb '17, 06:34)
It is totally make sense. However, I tought that there is some kind of a way to define a shape in the query. Or automatically convert Linestring to Polygon with help of some library. And I query only type of data that should be a polygon eg. landuse or building. Like described here: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Overpass_turbo/Polygon_Features Most likely I don't need to check whether it is a polygon or not. Asking to your question: I use Python for this.
(20 Feb '17, 08:07)
crosspost: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42303410/convertion-of-linestring-to-polygon
Even-though it is a crosspost neither community has given an answers so far.
@tivalex: but, please, if you really need to crosspost, mention and link both. Also keep them in sync.
I found the question a bit confusing: after a while I realised it was because you provide a link to Overpass-turbo from which one can save polygons. However that is not true of the Overpass API. Overpass-turbo uses https://github.com/tyrasd/osmtogeojson
Sorry for confusing you. Does your answer means that I can query raw OSM data and then convert it to a POLYGON or any other type of shape using osmtogeojson?
Should be yes. There are similar queries on GIS Stackoverflow.