I have added my business (a hotel) to OpenStreetMap some time ago in order to also have it listed at http://coinmap.org/ . My hotel is "Trafford Sky Homes" in Leipzig, Germany. I added the key "payment:bitcoin" with value "yes" but for some reason it won´t be listed in coinmap.org |
All we can tell you is:
coinmap.org is not part of the OSM project, so we cannot tell you why they do or do not show a given place - you will have to ask them about that. One guess: It seems you only added that tag on 2017-01-20, about a month ago. Most projects that use OSM data only fetch fresh data with some delay, so maybe the data has not yet been updated. 1
There is a contact link for coinmap.org on this page: https://coinmap.org/welcome/
(17 Feb '17, 15:51)
EdLoach ♦
Hi, I added a link to your hotel. Please check it's the right one and correct it if necessary.
Thank you very much !