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I am wondering why OSM shows country based road codes but not International E-road network codes.

More info about E-road

Thank you.

asked 16 Feb '17, 19:21

EG0611's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

If you are referring to the "standard" map style, the answer is likely simply "because it doesn't" (show international refs/route membership). The style file for the standard style is already very complex and the rendering output borderline overloaded, so the maintainers need to choose what to display and limit themselves.

Naturally nothing is stopping you from creating your own variant of the style (or a completely different design) that shows the E-references.

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answered 16 Feb '17, 23:50

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦
accept rate: 18%


Not sure how up to date this page is, but it shows the E-road relations and their completeness:

(17 Feb '17, 09:52) EdLoach ♦

At least in my neighborhood, the international number is shown: But in Belgium, we do not see national numbers on highways when there is an international number. We have mapped e.g. ref=int_ref =E19 and nat_ref=A1 (see

In other countries, the international number is not shown on the destination signs, so there it makes more sense to show the national number on a map.

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answered 17 Feb '17, 08:12

escada's gravatar image

accept rate: 21%

Just as another example, Sweden is a country where "E" road references are used as the main reference for relevant roads, both on road signs and in OSM. See for instance here:

(17 Feb '17, 09:39) SomeoneElse ♦

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question asked: 16 Feb '17, 19:21

question was seen: 2,387 times

last updated: 17 Feb '17, 09:52

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