The data stored in my Database "video" of "shows" collection in mongodb is as this. It has 3 feilds as dose_rate, x, y. My code for "app.js" is as follows :
the below code is for "shows.html" :
on running the code of "app.js" and on opening "shows.html" from browser on localhost, the output is that all points (i.e dose_rate, x, y) of my "shows" collection in "video" database is displayed on HTML page as this. now i did get code for plotting a point on OSM as marker from this link--> independently without app.js running in background as simple HTML page. I want to plot all my points stored in my collection "shows" as "x" and "y" from that db on OSM map, one by one, at once. I tried finding all reference to this problem but failed to find one. Please help me in doing so as i am new to OSM and nodejs or post any reference which i can read or tag someone who can help. THANK YOU IN ADVANCE |