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I'm planning to embark on project that involves spatial data. It will show places via markers and then guide them to places they choose as well as show some details like distance.

That will require me to add another table that will store information at certain location. For example I want to store that at LatLng X there is this bus store and contact details. So definitely I will add new table that will be linked to OSM tables.

Haven't checked much of OSM except for reading posts about licensing and not being a lawyer: is open street map right choice? I have no problem putting acknowledgment link on map, but am confused about the other parts of the license

asked 13 Feb '17, 06:50

stefano's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Generally, if you are ok to release all your data under ODbL then you'll never have a problem. If you would like to keep your data to yourself then you will have read up a little on the license. It appears that this guideline might relate to your question:

permanent link

answered 16 Feb '17, 16:11

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%

Thanks for reply. Some data can be released but some cannot. For example there will be house addresses that I would not like to release. Things like Hotels, et al, will of course be contributed back. Does that comply with ODbL? Or it means I should release everything?

(19 Feb '17, 12:15) stefano

also is there a commercial license without these restrictions?

(19 Feb '17, 13:03) stefano

OSM data comes under ODbL 1.0 exclusively and cannot be licensed in any other way. For detailed questions I suggest you email - asking here will get you a host of different opinions.

(19 Feb '17, 13:23) Frederik Ramm ♦

Thank you sir

(19 Feb '17, 13:39) stefano

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question asked: 13 Feb '17, 06:50

question was seen: 1,879 times

last updated: 19 Feb '17, 13:39

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum