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I can't speak for all of America's Bing imagery, but in Pennsylvania, the imagery is often horribly outdated (5-6+ years old). I've often tried to use USGS Large Scale Imagery, but most of the time it's so slow that it's unusable, or will just load a handful of tiles and just quit working. (This seems to be a server-side issue.)

So I tried to add the 2015 NAIP imagery for Pennsylvania, using the tutorial here for the WMS format. I went to this page, clicked on the Pennsylvania link, and selected WMS at the top left to be taken here. I then took that URL and followed the directions in JOSM, clicking "Get Layers", selecting "Pennsylvania_2015_1m", and selecting "image/jpeg" as the image format.

After clicking OK on the popup and the Imagery preferences window, I went to add the imagery layer. However, I got a popup about some kind of wrong projection:

The layer Pennsylvania_2015_1m does not support the new projection EPSG:3857. Supported projections are: CRS:84, EPSG:0, EPSG:4326.
JOSM will use EPSG:4326 to query the server, but results may vary depending on the WMS server
Change the projection again or remove the layer.

After clicking OK to enable the layer anyway, nothing apparent happens. When I zoom all the way out to view the entire world, the right half of the world is black-covered, with what seems to be three tiles appearing to the right of the edge of the world, only appearing as the red error "Error: Could not load image from tile server". At first I thought maybe the offset was just way wrong or something, but zooming in at various places does nothing.

What is going on with this, and why do I get this error despite following the instructions to the letter, with no mention at all of the possibility of this error? How can I make this imagery work in JOSM?

EDIT 1: See comment of mine below...

asked 10 Feb '17, 21:53

Roadsguy's gravatar image

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edited 11 Feb '17, 04:07


I don't have any suggestion for debugging the issue, but I've just checked that the layer does work. Just today I published an attempt to make it easier to add the NAIP layers:

But it's only really easier if the JOSM remote control is already setup.

(10 Feb '17, 23:39) maxerickson

Thanks @maxerickson, your links work nicely for me!

(11 Feb '17, 03:49) n76

That link got me a little farther than I was before. It added a layer that looked exactly like the weird half black, half off-the-world layer I got before, but occasionally while zoomed out I could see the image of Pennsylvania that would flicker on my screen as i panned around. Zooming in would render nothing at that location.

Curiously, this only happens in the option you linked to, maxerickson. Using the straight link from the OP, there's no Pennsylvania visible at all.

EDIT: See here for a video demonstration of the problem. (If a picture is worth a thousand words, a video must be worth a million.) This is right after clicking the link in that page, which adds the layer.

(11 Feb '17, 04:07) Roadsguy

Occasionally the NAIP server is just down for me. Now I get the same error as you do above, but was able to get actual imagery which looks reasonably well aligned to Bing. I looked in PA randomly near Blairsville and Pittsburgh.

(11 Feb '17, 11:18) Mike N

As of today it's still misaligned and doesn't appear when zoomed in. However, I asked on the josm-dev mailing list, and someone pointed me to the following TMS link for the nationwide NAIP layer:


This works fine when added with a high enough max zoom level, and is far more recent than Bing.

(11 Feb '17, 17:34) Roadsguy

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question asked: 10 Feb '17, 21:53

question was seen: 1,754 times

last updated: 11 Feb '17, 17:36

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum