Hello, I'm using umap for my mobile application. My map, with many markers, is integrate in the application with an iframe. It's only a trial for now, everything was working fine, but since I had some users on the application, my map does't appears anymore on the phone. When I open it with my computer as a guest, it is written in red "certificate error" in the url. Even with this messagen the map can be open with a computer, but does't work anymore with my application, it only appears a blank page. Somebody has the solution? Thanks |
The certificate for umap.openstreetmap.fr expired on 6th February 2017 02:13 AM. Please try to get in contact with the server administrator(s), see UMap Feedback and help. Update: Meanwhile the issue has been resolved. ok, thank you, but where I can contact them? I don't understand why it's been expired on 6th? Is it related to my application or nothing at all?
(06 Feb '17, 07:57)
I would try the GitHub issue tracker or the #umap IRC channel on Freenode. Oh, I see you already did this in issue 440. No, it isn't related to your application. Most certificates have a life span and have to get renewed periodically or become invalid.
(06 Feb '17, 08:14)
scai ♦
Hello, Same error on many websites using iframe from umap.openstreetmap.co : SEC ERROR EXPIRED CERTIFICATE, Expire after : Wed, 06 Apr 2022 10:33:20 GMT,using Firefox.
And a message "unavailable" with Chrome.
Who could be interested bu the information ?
Thanks for help.
Same answer as back in 2017 applies. Could you not reach someone from openstreetmap.co? Perhaps on Telegram?
Hey, Thanks... i have sent the same message on Github issues.
The whole url "umap.openstreetmap.co" is out of order (maybe just for me, or my computer). I don't really know what's the difference, but i have done new maps on "umap.openstreetmap.fr" so i'm fine, and the clients too.
If I scroll around www.openstreetmap.co a bit (and I don't speak Spanish) I find: Canal Telegram OSMColombia, info@openstreetmap.co, Mailinglist to contact OSM Colombia. I suggest you try contacting them there.