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What would be the best way to find the orientation of a Road (e.g., North-south or northeast-southwest)

I'm working with OSM data from the API and have all of the coordinates of the road. I'm able to plot these coordinates into an x,y value. I was thinking of taking the first point and last point of the road, calculating the slope of the line, and using that to somehow gauge which what the orientation is

Any help appreciated!!

asked 06 Feb '17, 02:29

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Brian Vogelg...
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What about bends, u-turns or roundabouts?

(06 Feb '17, 07:55) scai ♦

@scai I'm only labeling roads that intersect with the bounding box and are of a certain distance, which rules out roundabouts..etc

(06 Feb '17, 17:15) Brian Vogelg...

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question asked: 06 Feb '17, 02:29

question was seen: 1,545 times

last updated: 06 Feb '17, 17:15

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum