Hello! How can I add information about a company to openstreetmap? Which tool should I use? |
At the Openstreetmap.org site you will see and edit button at the top from which you could use iD or Pollatch 2. Help is available when you select one of the editors. It is best to draw an outline of the building and add the correct tags to he building. Should I use this tool?: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Potlatch_2
(06 Feb '17, 03:28)
..or this tool?: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/ID
(06 Feb '17, 04:09)
I've added marker https://yadi.sk/i/DfnI536l3D6k4J , but no see it on general map http://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=18/55.09389/59.69411&layers=N Maybe we should wait for new point approving?
(06 Feb '17, 05:37)
I assume you put the details on a separate node instead of the existing building outline because there is more than one business here. If the company occupies the entire building, you could select the building outline and add those tags to the building and delete the node. There is no approvals process - what you add is what you will see in the database. Not all items are rendered on a particular map, but the info is available for searching. It may take a while before all zoom levels get rendered using the latest data. Refreshing your browser may help clear you cache.
(06 Feb '17, 06:06)
I can see the point you mapped, when i edit (with potlatch2) but it may take a while to render. Better to draw an outline and add the name and other tags. But it will need a a while to show up.
(06 Feb '17, 08:54)
andy mackey
@andy Good news. I added 2 objects: https://yadi.sk/i/w_38nOeK3D9Hcg and https://yadi.sk/i/rUPq_XyP3D9HqT Is it correct?
(06 Feb '17, 10:53)
It would be easy for us to check if you post an OSM link like this http://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=17/52.34546/-0.19746
(07 Feb '17, 12:35)
andy mackey
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