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I'm new to OSM. I was logging a route with Runkeeper. Though I found out I can not click on a particular path. It is an old railroad, now turned into a bicycle lane near Hofstade (Belgium)

I believe the OSM-ID of this is way/470737655

What settings do I need to change to make this path behave normal in Runkeeper?

Ready to learn!

asked 31 Jan '17, 19:16

Klipdas's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


You have changed the way (would guess you splitted it). It will take an unknown amount of time (Maybe you have better luck finding the update frequency from their Runkeeper's site help) for the changes to make their way to Runkeeper. Why your route did not appear at the first place is another question.

(31 Jan '17, 21:30) RM87

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question asked: 31 Jan '17, 19:16

question was seen: 970 times

last updated: 31 Jan '17, 21:31

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum