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I recently started using OSM and I was trying to fix an issue with a park area which is essentially an island called "Island Park." The park is shown visible in the editor but outside of it, only the paths and playgrounds are visible. I tried mimicking islands/small body masses surrounded by the river south of the river but the actual park is still not visible in OSM. What would I have to do to fix this issue?

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asked 30 Jan '17, 18:55

MrAkshat's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi, there are two outlines drawn around the island. First remove the extraneous outline from the multipolygon, leaving the island outline in the multipolygon. Then delete the extraneous outline. That should fix it, if you want me (or someone) to do it please just ask. JOSM then asks for the small island to north of Island Park to be tagged as an islet rather than an island.

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answered 30 Jan '17, 19:46

BCNorwich's gravatar image

accept rate: 20%

Thank you for your answer.

If I'm understanding it correctly, the multipolygon is the Fox river and there are seven(7) members which are part of Fox River. One member(extraneous outline) needs to be removed from here and then deleted altogether. Does that sound correct? Also how do you know which member is which? I see three Line members but am unsure which one needs to be removed and deleted.

Sorry if these questions sound basic but I have only updated basic areas in OSM.

(30 Jan '17, 20:24) MrAkshat

Hi, I'm not a user of the iD editor but,,, I actually moved one node out of alignment so you can see the two outlines, (middle of the east side).

In iD the outline named "Island Park" is the one to keep, (inner 31 nodes). Delete the other one "no name 32 nodes", in iD I think you only have to delete the item and save the change. In JOSM it would be two actions, detete from relation, save changed relation,, delete outline, save/upload changeset. If you're still not sure please just ask again. regards

(31 Jan '17, 13:20) BCNorwich

I deleted the "no name 32 nodes" and kept "Island Park" in iD as you stated. I'll see if this will work since at least for me, it takes several days for the changes to show up on OSM.

Again thank you for your help.

(31 Jan '17, 16:01) MrAkshat

Clicked your link above, all is now as expected. Well done!

(01 Feb '17, 06:52) BCNorwich

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question asked: 30 Jan '17, 18:55

question was seen: 1,920 times

last updated: 01 Feb '17, 06:52

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum