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The homepage for OsmSharp brags about having documentation, but it is minimal and horribly out of date! I was using version, but recently updated to 5.0.6. I thought that maybe I was the one who was out of date, but even after the update the documentation is incorrect and does not help. The only change was that all the namespaces were changed and some classes were removed or added. I still don't have a single clue how to filter the data!

I would like to filter using a bounding box. Any help would be much appreciated!

asked 30 Jan '17, 09:29

Kapten-N's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Have you tried to contact the developer of OsmSharp by email or similar? What is the result?

(30 Jan '17, 19:22) stephan75

I would like to know as well, and I agree about the lack of documentation. I contacted the developer but so far no reply :/

(08 Nov '20, 19:50) laban77

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question asked: 30 Jan '17, 09:29

question was seen: 1,808 times

last updated: 08 Nov '20, 19:50

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum