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Hi, we purchased a Garmin from the new DRIVE series and installed the OSM map for Chile, the map was downloaded from this website

When we want to calculate a route (eg. Santiago-Valparaiso) it shows "Route cannot be calculated".

I can view the maps and search locations, it shows all of them, but the possibility to route is not working.

Could there be a compatibility issue with the new Garmin Drive series? If not, what else could be causing the issue.

Thank you.

asked 24 Jan '17, 21:21

ElvisEli's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 25 Jan '17, 20:51

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦

I have a Nuvi 1310t Garmin and "Where to" search often fails but browsing the map or using Co-ords always calculates a route. My garmin can be set to accept decimal degrees, same as OSM, just use negative values for west or south. Just take lat long from

(27 Dec '17, 08:56) andy mackey

You could test that map by using Garmin Basecamp

(27 Dec '17, 09:08) andy mackey

It may in fact be a incompatibility. As far as I know, Garmin did not release the specifications for their map format.

We do not yet have OSM-relevant information about this device series in our documentation wiki.

I would try other OSM-based maps for Garmins. Info: there is no single official download of OSM maps for Garmins. Have a look there: .

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answered 24 Jan '17, 22:22

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦
accept rate: 18%

edited 25 Jan '17, 21:10

Hi, i have a Garmin Drive 51-LMT and use the OSM map from Maybe this map works also on drive 40.

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answered 27 Dec '17, 07:09

Garam's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi Garam I am still unclear as the address of the OSM maps on your attached lists are the same as I download from OSM for adding to the micro SD card. So my reading would be that I keep doing what I have done for micro cards maps on Nuvi Gps , now on Drive Gps. Do you think that is right. Thanks

(02 Mar '18, 04:00) diggicat

Anyone with a Drive 40 able to check this. I see no reason why routing would not work on this model apart from operator error or map compilation error. I assume that the op has tried other routable osm map versions by now.

It doesn't support the loading of routes or saving of pre-planned ones but the using the “Where To" should guide you to your destination.

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answered 25 Jan '17, 22:58

nevw's gravatar image

accept rate: 9%

edited 26 Jan '17, 04:07

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question asked: 24 Jan '17, 21:21

question was seen: 4,945 times

last updated: 02 Mar '18, 06:55

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