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I'm in Germany and I work with Windows 7 and Opera, everything completely installed and setup in German. However when I open the openstreetmap via the interface (ie.e everything outside the map-area, the "tabs" above, and the info- and link-blocks at the left) is in French. I never have setup anything in French on my computer as I'm not really skilled in French. That problem only appears on my "main" computer, on the other devices (netbook and android phone) which share the same Internet connection (T-Online) everything is completely in German. I haven't found any option on the site where I could change this. When I open the openstreetmap via everything is correctly on German. However I like the .org-interface more so I'd like to be able to access the openstreetmap also via the .org-link in german.


asked 29 May '11, 14:41

Kurpfaelzer's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Please check Opera settings: Menu->Settings->Preferences..->General->Language: Details.. . You should have have german and english specified there (and any other language you can read) and probably you have frensh also there. If it is there, just delete it or better put it to the end of list.

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answered 29 May '11, 18:50

RM87's gravatar image

accept rate: 22%

Hi RM87,

your hit did the trick, now it works. I was not aware that it's possible to set the preferred languages in websites in Opera. Consequently I at least can't remember that I've changed this. On my "main" computer the settings were (in this order): de-DE, fr, de. Obviously doesn't recognize de-DE so it choose fr, now de is the first entry so it chooses this. On my netbook it is de, fr, de-DE, so it takes directly the first choice. Thanks a lot!


(29 May '11, 19:02) Kurpfaelzer

All browsers specify a set of "favored" languages when connecting to a website. Not all websites use that info, but OSM does.

(30 May '11, 16:13) Vincent de P... ♦

A similar problem has been asked already here.

Maybe you have to check the preffered language in the settings of your browser.

permanent link

answered 29 May '11, 18:52

stephan75's gravatar image

accept rate: 6%

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question asked: 29 May '11, 14:41

question was seen: 11,579 times

last updated: 30 May '11, 16:13

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum