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I use OsmAnd version 1.6.5 beta and version 1.7.4 on my smartphone. Both version setup with my native language.

With version 1.6.5 beta I've got all representation in international form after I changed my native "speaker"-location to foreign country. After I turn back to native location the representation keeps in international form. I'm not able to read arabic or cyrillic location in my European language.

Version 1.7.4 does shows this effect. It stays in its selected language and all names of towns and villages are uniform. Inside and outside of native range.

My preferred version is 1.6.5 because it does have for opinion unnecessary navigation button. The 1.7.4 makes trouble with loading stored gpx-routes. So I use version 1.6.5. Yes. Updates maybe helps but at moment I want never touch a running system.

I assume, it exists perhaps an flag which turn internationals on/off. Do I have a chance to edit a certain flag in local configuration setup of osm ?

asked 22 Jan '17, 03:10

OSMuser10's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 23 Jan '17, 08:35

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦


There is no official 'OSM app' on any phone - what is the name of the app you're using?

(22 Jan '17, 11:39) Richard ♦

Sorry. Perhaps I should better identify with OsmAnd and OsmAnd+. That's the names are used. I use only this popular app and sometimes I thing that's the only one. My mistake.

(23 Jan '17, 01:15) OSMuser10

OsmAnd allows you to choose the language of the map labels via menu -> configure map -> map language. This works only for labels where translations are available.

permanent link

answered 24 Jan '17, 09:47

scai's gravatar image

scai ♦
accept rate: 23%

Thanks for Your help. It seems to match on my question. But I'm not sure about menu point where I have to search for "configure map"alt text

I've attached this image because I don't have menu point "configure map". I would expect it in "Map layers", "Configure screen" or "Settings". Or maybe menu point is disabled by misconfiguration by myself.

(25 Jan '17, 04:12) OSMuser10

I'm using OsmAnd version 2.5.4 and "configure map" is between "search" and "directions". Your version (1.6.5 or 1.7.4?) seems to have a completely different menu. Why is your version so different? Is it a rather old version of OsmAnd or the iOS version?

(25 Jan '17, 08:08) scai ♦

Thanks for Your comment. In fact version 1.6.5 is older OsmAnd version. It runs in Android. I had downloaded it 3 years ago with my smartphone from well known "app-store". Except this issue I'm very happy with OsmAnd 1.6.5. Meanwhile development of OsmAnd is much forward than this old version. Version 1.7.4 doesn't show issue but is not favorite to me. Yes, of course with version 2.5.4 this effect should disappeared too. But menu seems to be changed. The decision to update is difficult to me. I hang on this old version.

(27 Jan '17, 05:38) OSMuser10

I have no idea if map labels can be changed with this old OsmAnd version. You could ask at but I guess the developers will just tell you to update.

(27 Jan '17, 07:52) scai ♦

Tanks for this hyperlink to developers of OsmAnd. I will try to contact developer at next opportunity.

(28 Jan '17, 02:03) OSMuser10

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question asked: 22 Jan '17, 03:10

question was seen: 2,018 times

last updated: 28 Jan '17, 02:03

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum