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I have two GPSmap 60Cx Garmin GPS's. When I try to turn them off with the openstreetmap maps installed, I get a buzz and the only way to stop it is to pull the batteries. Does anyone else have this problem? Any thoughts on why it may be happening. It does not happen with Garmin maps. The openstreetmap maps are great.

This is the website that I used:

Thanks. Norm

asked 18 Jan '17, 22:01

NormVA's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 23 Jan '17, 20:33

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦

There were problems with this Garmin suitable map site recently but it appears ok now. You may like to try a fresh map download or try another provider and see if that has any effect on the problem.

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answered 23 Jan '17, 13:24

nevw's gravatar image

accept rate: 9%

I would download JaVaWa Device Manager from and see if it identifies a problem (except if you run Mac OS Sierra). I found by google search that such a problem could be caused by a Mac (maybe Windows too) leaving some unwanted hidden files on your sd card if not ejected properly, so you could also try downloading Javawa Cleaneject from and see if that helps. I assume you have the latest Garmin device updates installed.
Norm, can you let us know what the problem was when sorted.

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answered 20 Jan '17, 01:05

nevw's gravatar image

accept rate: 9%

Thanks for the reply. I am running Sierra. I am careful about properly ejecting the card each time. Not sure about Garmin updates. I have been using this GPS for many years with MapSource and have not had a problem, so I have not thought about OS updates -- not even sure how to get them.

I am thinking that the problem may be related how I interact with the device. The other day I changed pages while it was still acquiring satellites and I got the buzz and had to remove the batteries. The last time that I used the GPS, it turn off without a problem. I am also using the original 128 MB card vs the 2GB card that I had use previously -- however, the problem has occurred with both cards.

I will keep you posted on progress.


(22 Jan '17, 12:08) NormVA

You could also try posting this problem at into the handheld gps section
They are very experienced gps users and offer excellent technical help from my experience.

(22 Jan '17, 13:02) nevw

NormVA: I will try the handheld gps formum. Thank you.


(23 Jan '17, 21:05) aseerel4c26 ♦

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question asked: 18 Jan '17, 22:01

question was seen: 2,123 times

last updated: 23 Jan '17, 21:05

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