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Hi all, I'm fairly new to OSM so I was hoping to get some guidance.

I'm looking to speed up the process of the import of planet-latest.osm.pbf. It failed due to disk space but now that I allocated another TB of storage I was looking to speed up the process so I'm not waiting 2 weeks again.

I stumbled across the --flat-node flag but I'm unsure what is supposed to go inside the flatnode.bin file. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated!

asked 17 Jan '17, 16:24

jhollingsworth's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

At the risk of playing Captain Obvious here - you have got the whole process working end to end with a smaller file already haven't you? It'd be terrible to hit a snag and have to wait 2 weeks again...

(17 Jan '17, 16:26) SomeoneElse ♦

To a point. I ran central America and Australia and all of the render scripts and only Australia would show the borders and actually render. So I was hoping to run planet-latest to just get the whole file rather than the broken up files (if that makes sense).

edit: also Europe and the North America also takes about a week would if I did end up going that route I would still like to get flat-node figured out so I can use it for those two as well :)

(17 Jan '17, 16:32) jhollingsworth

Using the flatnode file will give you a performance speedup an almost every case, especially if you don't have SSD storage. It will also save about 80 GB of storage if you load a full planet, however if you do something like "Africa only" you'll likely waste some space. The file contains what would normally be in the planet_osm_nodes database table and the file can be read with the nodecachefilereader utility if desired. It is however not a standard data format, and only used by osm2pgsql. Also note that the format of the file has recently changed.

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answered 17 Jan '17, 16:59

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%

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question asked: 17 Jan '17, 16:24

question was seen: 2,963 times

last updated: 17 Jan '17, 16:59

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum