Hi, I am new in TileMill software, and I need use Bright style (https://github.com/mapbox/osm-bright) for my OSM data extracts. Can anybody tell me step by step how can I use it? I do not understand steps in this manual.
Thanks for answers. |
Yes, the shapefiles that you download will be used alongside the OSM data that you want to display. As to which shape files, the instructions suggest "all of them". But which one package? I have 2 options of shp packages in mapzen : splitten by geometry or grouped by tags? Thanks
(17 Jan '17, 16:33)
What does MapZen have to do with anything?
(17 Jan '17, 16:45)
SomeoneElse ♦
Mapzen provide osm extracts in different packages, ona has shp of points, lines, and polygons and second contains shape files of waterareas, transport_points, roads, and so on ... and I do not know which one package is better
(17 Jan '17, 16:54)
OSM Bright is going to want to access a database loaded with OSM data. I'd expect that you'd be looking for a .pbf file of your area of interest - at https://mapzen.com/data/metro-extracts/metro/dubai_abu-dhabi/ for example that seems to be described as "Raw OpenStreetMap datasets".
(17 Jan '17, 17:10)
SomeoneElse ♦
Yes, I have imported .osm.pbf file in my PostGIS DB, but for TileMill I download also .shp files becouse I do know what is correct way.
(17 Jan '17, 17:17)
As https://github.com/mapbox/osm-bright says, "OSM Bright depends on two large shapefiles. You will need to download and extract them before continuing.". That's separate to what you've loaded into PostGIS, and just used for things such as land/sea boundaries. Note that https://github.com/mapbox/osm-bright makes it clear what shapefiles you need and where you should download them from.
(17 Jan '17, 17:33)
SomeoneElse ♦
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One other link that might be helpful is https://ircama.github.io/osm-carto-tutorials/ . There are several tutorials there that might be useful.