Hello - I need help. I don't know how to edit the map and I don't want to make a mistake. On the island La-Palma (Canary Islands) there is an official hiking path called GR131. If you want to create a new track for your GPS and you try to connect the Roque de los Muchachos with Roque Palmero it SHOULD lead you the shortest way along the GR131. It doesn't. This might be because in the map there is a little gap between the GR131 and the road which leads to Roque de los Muchachos. Could please somebody close the gap so that the GR131 path connects to the road? Thank's.
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0 Routing is connected and must have been for some time for the router to use the data. But the service road that joins the path to the tower to the south was tagged as private I have now changed that to walking allowed which should fix it for other routers.. I hope! permanent link|edit|delete|more ▼ answered 11 mins ago andy%20mackey's gravatar image andy mackey 10.0k●66●113●233 accept rate: 4% |
It would be really helpful if you zoomed into each end of the way you want corrected on OpenStreetMap.org and paste the urls into your query. https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=11/28.6584/-17.8473
http://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=19/28.75207/-17.89039 is the URL. I can't zoom in further - it's max already. In the middle you see the LP-403 road with the marked parking. The GR-131 hiking path is the red dotted line which ends up at the parking but should end at the LP-403 road.
They all seem be connected to me and have been for some time. How old is YOUR map data?
Hello Andy. The URL I posted is from the online version. The problem seems to be the service road on the right side of the GR-131 which is marked as "private" and the last bit of the GR-131 ends at the last bit of the service road. So there seems to be no access from the LP-403 to the GR-131 because you would have to walk a bit of the service road. It would be enough to set the privalidges of the service road to "allowed". Hope this helps.
For info, this is the problem way: http://www.openstreetmap.org/way/38062272
... exactly. If I use the map and try to create a route for my Garmin that would normally lead that way it won't work because that little bit of the private road will not allow a track which connects the GR-131 with the LP-403. I have been there and I can promise that you CAN walk there. I did it already.
I looks as though we have all spotted the problem, I'm not sure if my edit edit will fix it. SomeoneeElse will I'm sure know what to do now you have confirmed access. I did drive up there in the 1970s but that is a long time ago.