I want to find all streets in Brazil with no tags and not part of a relation, can someone help me? |
Your question is rather at odds with the OSM data model, a way object with no tags is not a street, nor anything else. If you actually want to find all streets that don't have tags outside of the highway tag and no relation membership, that can be likely done. If you want to find all way objects that have no tags and no relation membership, that can be done too, but is a different question. Assuming you want to do it with the Overpass API, you should be able to get a result with a combination of the approaches used in http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Overpass_API/Overpass_API_by_Example#Search_for_untagged_ways and but there are ways without tags and not part of relation on OSM, I found many here.
(15 Jan '17, 15:02)
this code can find some: http://overpass-turbo.eu/s/6X3 but I think this doesnt take care of ways not in relations
(15 Jan '17, 15:05)
I found this too http://tools.geofabrik.de/osmi/?view=tagging&lon=-0.12399&lat=51.51339&zoom=12&overlays=ways_without_tags I think I can live with this
(15 Jan '17, 15:06)
I didn't say that such ways don't exist, just that they are not streets.
(15 Jan '17, 16:52)
SimonPoole ♦
found it http://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/129691/search-for-untagged-ways-in-overpass-turbo but looks like it consumes too much memory from server
(13 Feb '17, 20:14)