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Looking to create a map for a work presentation with data displayed in a map on this site. I would like to show the Bicycle Benefits locations in specific neighborhoods in Seattle, but am having a hard time selecting these businesses on OSM. Is there a way I can refine my OSM search to businesses with this this attribute in Seattle, and then display these locations on a printable map?

asked 15 Jan '17, 02:51

Alex%20Hughan's gravatar image

Alex Hughan
accept rate: 0%

The only information that OSM has about the first of the entries on that list can be seen on this OSM node (I just used OSM's search box to find the name). OSM only has the name and the fact that it is a sports shop.

I suspect you'd need to get the list of locations separately and use that to create a map with markers on it, perhaps using something like uMap.

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answered 15 Jan '17, 08:50

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%

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question asked: 15 Jan '17, 02:51

question was seen: 2,181 times

last updated: 15 Jan '17, 08:50

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum