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Is it possible to edit a subset of the objects in JOSM and hide the objects not belonging to this subset?

Examples use cases:

  • while editing landuse areas, details like streets, POIs, buildings, etc should not be editable to avoid unwanted changes.
  • while editing buildings no landuse areas should be editable to avoid messing up these areas.
  • while editing streets no administrative boundary should be editable.

Typical modes / filters for editing, I would like to see:

  • all for all details
  • details for mapping buildings, amenities, POIs, ...
  • roads for mapping streets, ways, paths, ...
  • country for mapping landuse areas, water, ...
  • boundary for mapping administrative and other kinds of boundaries

asked 26 May '11, 21:50

mmehl's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

Yes, you can use the filter panel to add filter the editable items by tags.

permanent link

answered 26 May '11, 22:14

Gnonthgol's gravatar image

Gnonthgol ♦
accept rate: 16%

this is the direction I'm looking for:

  • are there predefined filter?
  • can filters be loaded/saved?

I found the filter docu, but it seems to be very complicated.

(26 May '11, 22:26) mmehl

As far as I can see there are no predefined filters. My filters were automatically saved and restored so they persist even if you close and open josm. I don't think you can save a set manually though..

(27 May '11, 09:11) quantumstate

Awesome. I didn't know this trick! Never thought to click the filter icon for some reason.

So I guess one thing to watch out for is, you might still accidentally move ways of the background (filtered out) data, if you move a shared node they're attached to. If shapefile GIS users are expecting separate "layers" within the data, they may be caught out by this. OpenStreetMap data isn't really split into layers.

(27 May '11, 10:41) Harry Wood

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question asked: 26 May '11, 21:50

question was seen: 5,340 times

last updated: 27 May '11, 10:41

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum