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Is it possible to store the OSM image directly on the Nuvi rather than an SD card? I find the external cards really slow down my unit and have stopped using them. I'm using data from

Thanks to everyone for the great work!

asked 26 May '11, 17:38

Bond's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I should have added that I tried creating a folder called 'garmin' on the Nuvi and saving the file there.

Of course I should have used the original 'Garmin' folder... Now shows up under maps, but I can only have one running at once.

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answered 26 May '11, 18:30

Bond's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

It depends how much mapping you wish to store on it's internal memory I think it will be very limited,have a look at the spec of your model and then the file size that you wish to put on it. But you did know that you can get faster SD cards didn't you? good luck

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answered 26 May '11, 19:49

andy%20mackey's gravatar image

andy mackey
accept rate: 4%

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question asked: 26 May '11, 17:38

question was seen: 10,272 times

last updated: 26 May '11, 19:49

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