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Obviously I'm new to this. After digging through the internet for some time, I've found no tutorial on how to get started on using osmandroid. The gitHub repository is full of resources however, there is no real guide on steps that can walk me through. I've downloaded the whole github file and I've managed to get some things working from a video I found in Portuguese, but I'm getting compile errors and it's seriously hard to debug. I'm opening this question so that other users like me looking to join the OSM community can have a step by step guide to:

i) Adding ALL of the resources off git hub to their proper folder ii) Adding these resources as a library and/or dependencies iii) Adding any other OSM resources that are available

With the objective of new programmers being able to start programming seamlessly with ALL of the osm resources after the guide is complete.

P.S. Don't waste anyone's time complaining about a newbie guide or question. This will be good for the community and new comers alike.

Thanks (:

asked 30 Dec '16, 00:32

Jeflex's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 31 Dec '16, 10:28

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦

Disappointing how the osm HELP forum can't fabricate a guide on how to install and use their own software.

(30 Dec '16, 19:24) Jeflex

The OSM Help site and osmdroid are unrelated. If anyone would be creating a step-by-step guide, it would need to be the creators of the osmdroid software.

There seems to be a lot of documentation on the GitHub site related to using osmdroid. Is none of it useful to you?

(30 Dec '16, 19:34) alester

I think that you might be misunderstanding something. "OpenStreetMap" is essentially just a big pile of data. Lots of people write software that works with it, and OsmAnd is one of those things - it's designed and built entirely independently of the people who look after the OSM servers and data. Also, the help site here is designed for "questions with answers" like "how do I do X". Your question here essentially boils down to "OsmAnd's build documentation is crap", which isn't really an answerable question.

As suggested below you need to explain what you were trying to do, what instructions you followed, and what didn't work. There's a Google Group for OsmAnd - you're more likely to get an answer from someone familiar with the software there.

For my part I've not built a version of OsmAnd for about 3 years - I found it quite straightforward at the time, but 3 years is a lifetime in the Android world and lots of things (including the default Android build environment) have changed since then.

(30 Dec '16, 19:42) SomeoneElse ♦

@alester Thankyou for aiming to understand (: yes some of it is however it's really outdated, and when you do run into an issue it seems like you go down a rabbit trail for explanation.

(30 Dec '16, 19:51) Jeflex

@SomeoneElse Thankyou for replying (: I'll contact the Google group for more assistance, but yes a lot of it is outdated and difficult to follow. Push come to shove I'll take initiative and begin a top to bottom run through because it's long overdue.

(30 Dec '16, 19:58) Jeflex

In fact I feel so passionately about this issue I'll be using one of my domains for this very topic and other OsmAnd related issues. Will be posting a link to the site once complete(:

(30 Dec '16, 20:13) Jeflex
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The question has been closed for the following reason "Not a Question" by Frederik Ramm 30 Dec '16, 17:10

This Q&A forum is unsuitable for issue tracking. I recommend that you create a wiki page on which you record your findings until now and then other Android developers can chip in.

permanent link

answered 30 Dec '16, 17:09

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%

I don't think it's that large of a task. Given the latest osm source, could you recommend me a guide to follow?

(30 Dec '16, 18:58) Jeflex

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question asked: 30 Dec '16, 00:32

question was seen: 3,421 times

last updated: 31 Dec '16, 10:28

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum