"I farmed, and I farmed, and all I raised was a crop of rocks..." Around this area, the colonial farmers gathered the large field stones and used them for boundary marking stone walls. There are so many in this area, and they are sometimes useful for purposes of navigation. I am having trouble figuring out how to map these. Additionally, many are almost completely destroyed from being neglected in the woods for hundreds of years. I would appreciate any thoughts regarding the notability of the remnants of these piles of stones. My first thought is marking them as barrier=wall ; material=stone ... but I am not sure that barrier is the best description, as they are a barrier for no one. Also, would you think it is best to create a node (to indicate a notable location) or a way (to indicate the orientation)? |
The basic tag appears to be barrier=wall, wall=dry_stone (and adding height=* can't hurt). Concerning the level of (dis)repair, things are going to be more subjective.
In GB with Access Land it is useful know where there are gaps in the walls or fences so that routes can be found. https://www.gov.uk/right-of-way-open-access-land/use-your-right-to-roam