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I am new to maps and I use OSM on android. within the application, I see that I can download the only the roads for around 700MbB for France. However, i prefer to download files on my computer, then to transfer them to my phone, but here I cannot find the link for the maps of the roads only this site, then, from what I understand, I must convert the opf into a file with extension obf. Where can I find those special road maps ?

asked 26 Dec '16, 12:33

Lavaloe's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


Which Android application are you using? There are several of them and they mostly use different data formats.

(26 Dec '16, 12:38) SomeoneElse ♦

Several different Android navigation apps use OSM data for their maps, which are usually processed for the specific needs of the individual app.

(26 Dec '16, 13:08) Hjart

You can use osmfilter a very simple tool for such task:

osmfilter my-data.osm --keep=highway=* -o=my-data-highway.osm
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answered 27 Dec '16, 09:37

Gagan's gravatar image

accept rate: 14%


OsmAnd does not understand the osm format, so you will need to convert the data afterwards with OsmAndMapCreator mentioned in one of the other answers).

(27 Dec '16, 11:16) escada

You can download OsmAnd maps at Then unzip the file and transfer it to your device. In my case the maps are located on the external strorage at /storage/<sd-card>/Android/data/net.osmand(.plus)/files/.

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answered 27 Dec '16, 08:14

scai's gravatar image

scai ♦
accept rate: 23%

None of those appear to be roads only though

(27 Dec '16, 08:41) Hjart

You are right, the road-only maps are located at

(27 Dec '16, 11:14) scai ♦ allows you to download OsmAnd (.OBF) files. I haven't used this service, so I cannot comment on the process.

There is also OffRoad, a PC program that uses OsmAnd data. So perhaps you can use that program to download the files and then move them to your smartphone.

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answered 26 Dec '16, 22:11

escada's gravatar image

accept rate: 21%

Oops, I see one of the tags is Osmand, so questions about which app is already answered. I also guess you have been reading OsmAndMapCreator and just want to know where to find input files for it. Please note that OSM is really just about the mapdata and that Osmand is an entirely different project, which just happens to use OSM data. You don't find those "special road maps" anywhere. What you can do instead is grab a download of your desired area at Geofabrik, then extract the roads yourself using Osmosis (one of the examples does just that).

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answered 26 Dec '16, 13:55

Hjart's gravatar image

accept rate: 18%

edited 26 Dec '16, 13:57

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question asked: 26 Dec '16, 12:33

question was seen: 8,296 times

last updated: 27 Dec '16, 11:16

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