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Greetings all Please kindly advise or assist, I need to get Electricity Transmission lines data from OSM, how can I download the set for the state of Oregon, with all attributes preserved. any kind of help will be appreciated.

Regards Sizwe

asked 24 Dec '16, 14:31

Sizwe85's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 24 Dec '16, 14:37

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦

it might be useful if you could tell us what your plans after the download are. Which format do you need?

For how power lines are represented in our data, see SomeoneElse's answer over there.

(24 Dec '16, 14:36) aseerel4c26 ♦

basically I want to get data for powerlines 69kV and lower for Oregon state.Shapefile or kml format would be best or any format that opens in QGIS.The plan is to use these to identify areas where power generation plats can be set up.

(24 Dec '16, 14:56) Sizwe85

At Overpass Turbo enter "type:way & (power=line | power=cable | power=minor_line) in Oregon" in the wizard, then click Build and run query, then in the Export menu select the output format most suitable to you.

permanent link

answered 25 Dec '16, 02:37

Hjart's gravatar image

accept rate: 18%

edited 25 Dec '16, 09:28

great stuff Hjart, I used your method and managed to get some data.However, I noted its only the major lines with high voltages..if you have a source for low voltage ones below 69kV Id be happy to have those too.otherwise I have a pdf map that shows them but it seems to have some curvature yet all the data I'm getting doesn't show that curvature, so I converted that to CAD but cant georeferenced it because there appears to be differences in geometry.i really appreciate your assistance.


(25 Dec '16, 06:54) Sizwe85

Ok, I have changed and expanded the query above a bit, so please try again. Please note that this will return every powerline in Oregon currently in our database, in which not all lines are tagged with voltage and which may be missing some lines.

(25 Dec '16, 09:34) Hjart

Also note that you as well as anyone else are free to add lines missing in our database as well as edit existing lines.

(25 Dec '16, 10:25) Hjart

I'm not familiar with the situation in Oregon, but please note that most if not all powerlines in our database in the area are added/edited by volunteers who may not all be equally accurate and/or knowledgeable.

(25 Dec '16, 12:32) Hjart

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question asked: 24 Dec '16, 14:31

question was seen: 16,344 times

last updated: 25 Dec '16, 12:32

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum