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On December 15, 2016 at 1720 Hrs, I uploaded changes serially numbered 0231 from the active data layer to the OSM server. The comments attached were:

161215 1720 edit refs Cameron Lake private land, add Pass 50, minor edits 0231.

I don't have a changeset number because it appears that the upload has not been processed yet, as shown on the current active layer.

The changes were the result of tracing several logging roads from Bing maps, and involved a fair bit of work, plus other minor but needed changes. I don't want to have to do the changes over again.

I would have thought that by now, nearly 72 hours later, the changes would have been processed, although I am not unwilling to be patient if I can be sure that the changes will be processed. Having a changeset number would make it easier to be patient.

A subsequent changeset with serial number 0232; "161215 2025 edit edit roads, Pass Main area 0232", has been processed.

I have been putting date, time and serial number information on my changesets for some time to make it easier to track them.

What steps can I take to ensure that the changes are processed?

asked 18 Dec '16, 21:27

Robert%20Copithorne's gravatar image

Robert Copit...
accept rate: 0%

edited 18 Dec '16, 21:33

I'd have expected it to be in this list but it doesn't even seem to have been opened, never mind closed.

(18 Dec '16, 21:34) SomeoneElse ♦

Changesets do not get "processed" in the way you think they do. Essentially they are simply a start and end marker for a series of edits that belong together. What does get processed are uploads to the API, since it seems that you are using JOSM, the edits are uploaded in (OsmChange)[] format and processed in one transaction (aka it either succeeds and all your edits are stored or it doesn't and nothing is stored). See API Diff upload

The good thing is that the API upload call does not return a success code and the corresponding new ids for any nrw elements in the later case. With other words: if your upload wasn't successful JOSM should still either have the changed data somewhere or it bitterly complained when you threw it away.

Off topic note: what does happen now and then, mostly due to network problems, is that JOSM doesn't receive the success code from the API and believes that data that has been successfully uploaded, hasn't been This leads to surprise conflicts and duplicate elements when you retry.

In any case you should check that JOSM doesn't have your data hidden away somewhere, maybe you edited in the wrong layer or there was an other similar error.

The only other potential cause for your issue that I can think of is that replication to one of the read-only API server failed, or the replication lag was very long. However this would have likely been reported and I know of no incidents of such a nature around the 15th.

permanent link

answered 19 Dec '16, 13:35

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦
accept rate: 18%

edited 20 Dec '16, 10:50

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question asked: 18 Dec '16, 21:27

question was seen: 2,178 times

last updated: 20 Dec '16, 10:50

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