Hi, I am running a local tile server. For India Map, I want to remove the current boundary of India and insert Administrative boundary which is available with me in shape file format. How can I do that? |
There is some information in this diary entry that might help. If the results of the Overpass query don't get exactlly what you want then you should be able to infer something from the tags it's looking for, and fill in the gaps yourself. Then, depending on what sort of tile server you're running and how it displays boundary data, update OSM's on-the-ground boundary data with the claim of a particular country. There is not much detail on the link you gave. I am running a local OSM server and imported data using osm2pgsql script. How can I remove a state or a country boundary and upload new boundary from a shape file?
(19 Dec '16, 06:01)
Reshma Maner
How can I remove a state or a country boundary and upload new boundary from a shape file?
(27 Dec '16, 09:05)
Reshma Maner
That's actually going to depend on which map style you're using currently. You'll need to understand how that currently displays admin boundaries (at various levels) now, and how the style works (how data is extracted from the rendering database for display). Which map style are you using?
(27 Dec '16, 09:32)
SomeoneElse ♦
What exactly you want to know by map style? I have referred below link and set up OSM map server using osm2pgsql. Downloaded osm.pbf file and extracted data in PostGresql.
(27 Dec '16, 11:18)
Reshma Maner
I am using Mod-Tile, renderd, Mapnik and OSM2pgsql tools for running the map server
(27 Dec '16, 11:26)
Reshma Maner
Somewhere you'll have a file "renderd.conf". In there there will probably be a line "XML=" that points to a file like "mapnik.xml". That probably came from from the PPA that you used to set up the server. If you're lucky, you'll also have a file "project.mml" or "project.yaml" that is part of the source of that style (from which mapnik.xml is created). If you don't have that, I wouldn't recommend trying to edit mapnik.xml manually - I'd download a different map style, install it as per its installation instructions, and have "renderd.conf" point at that. I wrote a guide here that goes through the process for one map style. You may be able to use some of that to help set up a map style of your choice (see the sections below here particularly). If you want to install a version of the "standard" map style used at openstreetmap.org read this, but do check that the pre-requisites for that (e.g mapnik version).
(27 Dec '16, 12:02)
SomeoneElse ♦
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