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I spent hours learning how to use this damn thing and edit a map after uploading a GPS track. Then someone's gone and edited my changes and made everything incorrect in the roads where I work. How can I track who has made changes to certain roads etc? And how can I flag up that they are incorrect?

asked 25 May '11, 01:23

docdoc's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Visit and select the changeset you made. Then click on the ways at "Has the following X ways" to see their editing history.

You may also look at any object by starting from the map and selecting Overlays/Data at the blue/white "+" in the upper right corner. Then select Load Data in the Data frame. Now you can click on the object you want to inspect directly in the map, and then select Show History in the Data frame.

If possible I suggest you contact the person who has edited your changes directly instead of starting an editing war.

It is possible to add "hidden" (non-rendered) tags further describing the reason behind an editing. See Key:note and Key:comment.

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answered 25 May '11, 01:52

gnurk's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

Thank you for your swift reply. I have now contacted the person making the changes. It looks like they have, for some reason, just copied the roads from Google Maps. It's patently obvious he hasn't visited the roads in person as they have changed substantially from the Google Maps images, hence my update in February. I will just wait to hear back from him.

Should I need to edit the map again, is there an easy way of re-instating my original edits or do I have to go through the whole hour long process again? It's very frustrating.

(25 May '11, 02:19) docdoc

Coyping data from Google Maps is a violation of Google's copyright. We don't do that. If you have any doubts that the person in question understands and abides by that rule, please contact so it can be sorted out properly. - It is possible to revert individual objects or whole changesets. There is limited support for that in the JOSM editor, but if things are more complex you should ask for help on the mailing list.

(25 May '11, 08:10) Frederik Ramm ♦

Two other ways of seeing who has edited in your area are ITO OSM Mapper (registration required) and OWL (OpenStreetMap Watch List).

The ITO product only shows ways, and sometimes is a few days behind the main database, but it provides a very convenient way of getting an overview of editors, edits and tagging in an area. I find OWL is most conveniently used with an RSS/Atom feed for a particular area. The two are complementary as OSM Mapper is great for an overview, and OWL can show the detail of individual edits.

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answered 25 May '11, 10:39

SK53's gravatar image

SK53 ♦
accept rate: 22%

If you install the JOSM editor and run it the history of ways and nodes become available so you know who as been working on that area.It is best to email them to find out why.I have mapped from bing and then been told that things did not exist any more I thanked them and we resolved a solution. I have also drawn in a field footpaths (walked and GPSed) that others could not see on bing and were thinking of deleting, sensibly they asked me and I was able to show them that it is a useful right of way, that they could check on the "definitive map" held by the county council (in UK), usually on the web now as well. So it's good to talk.

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answered 25 May '11, 09:46

andy%20mackey's gravatar image

andy mackey
accept rate: 4%

edited 25 May '11, 10:29

sleske's gravatar image


note: I usually edit with Potlach2 99.9% of the time.but JOSM as some great extra tools.

(25 May '11, 09:53) andy mackey

Satellite imagery... Both a blessing and a curse :) They're a great complement/substitute for GPS traces, but they should not be used without surveying or local knowledge. In fact, that's true for any information source : always compare to the real world :)

(25 May '11, 10:28) Vincent de P... ♦

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question asked: 25 May '11, 01:23

question was seen: 9,767 times

last updated: 25 May '11, 10:39

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum