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For the local area mapping we are getting lot of features which are not listed in the osm tags. How can we update the tag list for giving the proper tag to map our local area ?

Thanks in advance , aHaSaN OSM Bangladesh

asked 10 Dec '16, 14:06

aHaSaN's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


Can you give examples of such tags ?

You can always add "non-listed" tags via iD or JOSM. However, it is best to discuss new tags with the international community first before added newly invented tags

(10 Dec '16, 15:13) escada

Hi aHaSaN,

check out the wiki for approved or commonly used tags. Osmose (i.e. via the link posted by az09) can help you identify and edit bad tags.

Here's an example how to proceed: is identified in Osmose as a bad tagged building. Let's have a detailed look at the tags:

name=Library Bhaban

If you search the OSM wiki for library, you will find So the official tagging for a library should be

name=Library Bhaban

You might leave the building tag and change it either to building=yes or building=civic - the wiki mentions libraries as an example for civic buildings, however it doesn't seem to be widely used, so there is always some room for interpretation ;)

Another example for this ATM machine:

Current tags:

amenity=atm booth
name=BRAC Bank Ltd

Again search the wiki for atm and find the corresponding page: - to fix the error you would just have to change the tags to

operator=BRAC Bank Ltd

If you have any more information (see wiki for many other possible keys) you may add it too.

Last but not least let's have one of the building on the university campus (there seem to be a lot of errors):

name=MBA Building

As it is part of Dhaka University I would follow the tagging guidelines for universities in the wiki (, so appropriate tags here should be

name=MBA Building

And like before any more information you are able to provide.

Hope this helps, happy mapping.

permanent link

answered 16 Jan '17, 10:36

jot's gravatar image

accept rate: 9%

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question asked: 10 Dec '16, 14:06

question was seen: 3,350 times

last updated: 16 Jan '17, 10:36

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum