I'd like to find multipolygons that have more than one member with the role 'outer'. Is there a way to do that with the Overpass API, or would I have to wait for https://github.com/drolbr/Overpass-API/issues/197 to get written? Would there be any other way to do this? |
If you are willing to put up with a beta quality program I am working on, you can use osmium-filter.
It can do a query like that: osmium-filter-simple Thank you Jochen, I'll give that a go! Would you also happen to have a way of finding old-style multipolygons with it?
(10 Dec '16, 12:56)
Have a look at https://github.com/osmcode/osm-area-tools . There are tools that can find old-style multipolygons. I use that to create the overlay on http://area.jochentopf.com/map/index.html for instance. But you can also just download the old-style mps from http://area.jochentopf.com/ updated daily.
(10 Dec '16, 14:36)
Jochen Topf
Wow, osmium-filter is impressively fast! It's an exciting tool, and I hope that you'll find time to document it :). '@relation and "type"="multipolygon" and (@members[@role=="outer"] > 1)' did the trick.
(10 Dec '16, 14:38)
I ended up doing it in overpass: