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I'd like to find multipolygons that have more than one member with the role 'outer'.

Is there a way to do that with the Overpass API, or would I have to wait for to get written?

Would there be any other way to do this?

asked 10 Dec '16, 01:16

Stereo's gravatar image

accept rate: 11%

If you are willing to put up with a beta quality program I am working on, you can use osmium-filter. It can do a query like that: osmium-filter-simple INPUTFILE -e '@relation and (@members[@role=="outer"] > 1)' -o OUTPUTFILE. It doesn't support giving you all the ways and nodes needed for these relations yet, if you need that, you can use the Osmium tool (to be more exact, osmium getid). Other options include writing your own program using libosmium, PyOsmium, or node-osmium (see

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answered 10 Dec '16, 09:30

Jochen%20Topf's gravatar image

Jochen Topf
accept rate: 31%

edited 10 Dec '16, 09:34

Thank you Jochen, I'll give that a go!

Would you also happen to have a way of finding old-style multipolygons with it?

(10 Dec '16, 12:56) Stereo

Have a look at . There are tools that can find old-style multipolygons. I use that to create the overlay on for instance. But you can also just download the old-style mps from updated daily.

(10 Dec '16, 14:36) Jochen Topf

Wow, osmium-filter is impressively fast! It's an exciting tool, and I hope that you'll find time to document it :).

'@relation and "type"="multipolygon" and (@members[@role=="outer"] > 1)' did the trick.

(10 Dec '16, 14:38) Stereo

I ended up doing it in overpass:

// gather results
  relation["type"="multipolygon"](if: count_by_role("outer") > 1 )(area.searchArea);
  relation["type"="multipolygon"](if: count_members() == 1 )(area.searchArea);

// print results
out meta;
out meta qt;
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answered 09 May '21, 21:44

Stereo's gravatar image

accept rate: 11%

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question asked: 10 Dec '16, 01:16

question was seen: 2,991 times

last updated: 09 May '21, 21:44

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