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How large is the mapnik planet map for the whole world? I know there are several formats. Just take the one with the smallest size.

asked 07 Dec '16, 23:51

Wetitpig0's gravatar image

accept rate: 10%


What do you mean with "mapnik planet map"? The database? All rendered raster tiles?

(08 Dec '16, 09:09) scai ♦

All rendered tiles, with all details marked at the largest zoom level.

(08 Dec '16, 09:18) Wetitpig0

"all rendered tiles" will be key here. Most tiles won't ever be rendered (think z19 tiles in the middle of the sea - no one ever requests them).

(08 Dec '16, 09:38) SomeoneElse ♦

So it is impossible to get the value?

(08 Dec '16, 09:41) Wetitpig0

My point was that it'll vary on a site-by-site basis - it'll depend on what the users of a particular site are interested in, as well as the map style used there (note the comment on talk page for the wiki page that you linked to below that shows a significant difference between two styles).

(08 Dec '16, 10:13) SomeoneElse ♦

Oh. The answer is already here

permanent link

answered 08 Dec '16, 10:04

Wetitpig0's gravatar image

accept rate: 10%


Unfortunately pretty outdated.

(08 Dec '16, 10:28) scai ♦

So no one knows updated version?

(09 Dec '16, 00:42) Wetitpig0

Check Geofabrik Tile Calculator tool.

permanent link

answered 12 Dec '16, 04:44

Gagan's gravatar image

accept rate: 14%

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question asked: 07 Dec '16, 23:51

question was seen: 3,637 times

last updated: 12 Dec '16, 04:44

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum