How large is the mapnik planet map for the whole world? I know there are several formats. Just take the one with the smallest size. |
NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum
How large is the mapnik planet map for the whole world? I know there are several formats. Just take the one with the smallest size. |
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question asked: 07 Dec '16, 23:51
question was seen: 3,695 times
last updated: 12 Dec '16, 04:44
NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum
What do you mean with "mapnik planet map"? The database? All rendered raster tiles?
All rendered tiles, with all details marked at the largest zoom level.
"all rendered tiles" will be key here. Most tiles won't ever be rendered (think z19 tiles in the middle of the sea - no one ever requests them).
So it is impossible to get the value?
My point was that it'll vary on a site-by-site basis - it'll depend on what the users of a particular site are interested in, as well as the map style used there (note the comment on talk page for the wiki page that you linked to below that shows a significant difference between two styles).