I'm building a system that tries to answer geospatial English questions such as "Where is the closest restaurant" or "How many historic sites are in the east of Nantes?". The questions are then mapped to Overpass queries. To improve my system I need more English questions. Does anyone know of any place/logs etc. where I might find such a collection of questions? |
Well, these questions are infinite in number. No one bothers to store them. I think. |
The list of special phrases for Nominatim could help to automatically construct such queries. Thanks, that's a great list!
(07 Dec '16, 09:32)
It's probably worth mentioning that this list is in parts a bit outdated in that it includes some tags that are not used anymore in OSM (e.g. landuse=mine instead of landuse=quarry), see https://github.com/twain47/Nominatim/issues/103
(12 Dec '16, 09:25)
As @scai suggested the list of special phrases for Nomination is the correct way. If still you are not able to execute then here is my suggestion. It'll be a good project the list of simple questions with overpass API syntax that are useful for many who want to use OSM but are unable to comprehend the complexities OSM overpass query language. You can start a project on github and make a list of questions then OSM community certainly will help you to convert those queries to overpass API. Just post the github project link here once you are ready. |
If you're just looking for terms that translate to OSM objects (tags), you have more potential data sources:
I was just about to ask if you already know about http://nlmaps.cl.uni-heidelberg.de/ But of course you are since that's your thing :-D
Yep, that's my current working model. It's great that it can get some really complex questions right but fails on other, more simpler ones such as "Where can I go canoeing close to here" because it's never seen the word "canoeing" before. That's why I'm looking for more data that maps English word to OSM structures.