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Version 10966, not the latest because a plugin do not work with this latest.

I want two icons next to each other or partly over each other. Icons are 30x30px.

Tags placed on the same node. wpt=yes fee=no

This in the mapcss.

node|z14-[wpt=yes] { icon-offset-x:0;
icon-offset-y:0; icon-image: "wptn.png"; }

node|z14-[wpt=yes] { icon-offset-x:30;
icon-offset-y:0; icon-image: "feen.png"; }

Just a example for tags.
I do not want to make feen.png 60x30 px and leave one half transparent. I did see the trafficsign finish mapcss example.

I want the fee icon(30x30) next to wpt icon(30x30).

If you have icon-offset-x set on both, it uses the last one in the table to set both icons off. They stay always over each other, I think.

Edit: When one node and two icons, 1 appears, the last one writing in line on the mapcss file. I want to see them both.

The same problem with text 1 node with multiple tags, from two tags I want to see the value's. 1 tag, I want the value number above the node. 1 tag, I want the value under the node. when using

1. text-offset-x: -30; text-offset-y: 10;

2. text-offset-x: -30; text-offset-y: -10;

for two tags on the same node.

Here also the last one in the table, appears.

What am I doing wrong. Or is it a bug?

asked 06 Dec '16, 22:02

Allroads's gravatar image

accept rate: 10%

edited 07 Dec '16, 20:34

permanent link

answered 07 Dec '16, 22:21

Klumbumbus's gravatar image

accept rate: 8%

Thanks, to late here to fill it in as the answer.

(08 Dec '16, 12:44) Allroads

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question asked: 06 Dec '16, 22:02

question was seen: 2,644 times

last updated: 08 Dec '16, 12:44

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum