I recently gave a talk about OpenStreetMap to a non-technical group. One of the people present was a wheelchair user and he was particularly interested in locating disabled parking. In order to find out what current practice is for tagging AND whether such tags are actually consumed I naturally turned to the wiki. I found the wiki woefully lacking in a decent description of how to map disabled parking facilities. What does exist seems to involve prolonged discussion of use of relations with type=site. Not something I wish to expose to people who arent already heavily committed to OSM. Please could someone provide a succinct account which I can then recommend to non-OSM specialists? |
I agree that the wiki is currently just a mess regarding parking spaces for specific groups of people / purposes. Personally I map individual parking spaces for disabled people along a road as For a larger parking areas ( Do you know anything about use of these tags by consumers? And I agree with everyone who says that site relations are pointless in this case.
(06 Dec '16, 11:05)
SK53 ♦
According to the wiki rollstuhlkarte.ch (a wheelchair map) supports parking_space=disabled. Unfortunately it doesn't have global coverage. The similar project wheelmap doesn't seem to support it yet :/
(06 Dec '16, 12:03)
scai ♦
It used to be The site relation comes into play when you're mapping the individual spaces https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:amenity%3Dparking_space |