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Now I started configuring tile server for planet on a new machine using the link


instructions, so while I executed the following command :

osm2pgsql --slim -C 32000 --number-processes 4 /home/osm/planet-latest.osm.pbf

Now while osm2pgsql is processing it gave following error and is still continuing to process further as:

Processing: Node(3571919k 181.5k/s) Way(373048k 9.58k/s) Relation(166890 6.83/s)
Standard exception processing way_id 255785: topologyException:side location conflict at 2.13239e+06 6.90709e+06
Processing: Node(3571919k 181.5k/s) Way(373048k 9.58k/s) Relation(1485570 11.86/s)
Standard exception processing way_id 2563291: topologyException:side location conflict at 2.0772e+06 5.55411e+06
Processing: Node(3571919k 181.5k/s) Way(373048k 9.58k/s) Relation(3404650 15.65/s)

So are these errors fine while configuring a new tile server for planet?

asked 05 Dec '16, 10:23

Jasonwhite1091's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Yes, these messages are not an issue for your import.

permanent link

answered 05 Dec '16, 12:44

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%

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question asked: 05 Dec '16, 10:23

question was seen: 2,744 times

last updated: 14 Jul '17, 12:10

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum