I have not figured out the correct way to map an intersection with divided lanes. For example, the intersection associated with node 195156704 ... The intersection has a major throughway which is divided, but the intersecting road is the tricky part: to the North is Ocean Road -- to the South is Longmeadow Road. What is the road called between the divided highway? My routing software OSMAnd told me to drive up the road and make a U-Turn, because it could not figure out how to jump over the Longmeadow Road area, to make a left onto Ocean Road. There must be a simple way to do this, but I cannot puzzle it out. Please help! |
In an odd edge case like this where the two side roads are so different, I'd put the middle portion as a Changing it to an unnamed, primary_link seems like the right choice. I would have tried that, if I had thought of it, before.
(01 Dec '16, 22:57)
Also, I do not think this is an "odd edge case". There are many intersections with two names for a single intersecting street. Just for example, the next major intersection South on Lafayette is Breakfast Hill Rd turning into Washington Rd, and the next two North are Robert Rd turning into Heritage, then Elwyn Rd turning into Peverly Hill Rd. It is a strange system for naming streets, though!
(01 Dec '16, 23:03)
I don't understand why it does not like the left turn. The data seems to be OK. I recently had a similar case, but there the angle of the connection was pretty sharp. I ended up adding no-u-turn restrictions where the road joined again (Lafayette Road in your case). I haven't tested the updated situation though. There is no established method for naming the part between Lafayette Road. I see the following possibilities
Routing seems ok to me now. Could to be the routers take a little time to catch up with edits.
(21 Jan '17, 18:11)
andy mackey